Staplegrove Bridge Project – completed May 2023
A collaboration between SW&T, Aerosol Art and GoCreate. We gathered historic information about Staplegrove which aided our design concept. Currently being painted – come and say hi!

Come Back to Colour
Our regular Well-being Arts sessions on a Wednesday morning are run by abstract colourist Jenny Keogh. If you are looking for a relaxed art group and woud like to learn a freeer style of painting then please get in touch to book a session.
The Knickerline
in collaboration with The Blue Birds Theatre Company, showcases artwork in all forms created by local women. The stories gathered from the sessions will help to form a performance in the future.

‘Our Place’ is TYCA’s theme for 2023 and GoCreate are excited to be creative partners once again.
If you would like to take part in this years Visual Arts Showcase then please contact our School’s coordinator Liz Hutchin via email Watch this space…
Corgi Trail | May 2022 to August 2022
GoCreate Taunton with support from The Chartered Board of Trustees and the Rotary Club created a trail of 22 life sized wooden corgi’s painted by local artists to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Click here to download our Corgi Trail Brochure.
Taunton Live and Pride |July 2022
A celebration of Arts, Culture Diversity and Inclusivity. GoCreate Collaborated with the newly formed Taunton Pride CIC to deliver the second Taunton Live & Pride which included Taunton’s first Pride Parade through Town, a free festival day in Vivary Park and various exhibitions.
The Rainbow Pathway in Goodland Gardens, Taunton. |Opened in July 2021
GoCreate collaborated with SW&T via the High Street Recovery Fund to facilitate the Rainbow Pathway.
It is the only Progress Pride Flag pathway in the UK and signifies to all living and visiting Taunton that they are welcome however they identify.
Taunton Live and Pride July 2021
Despite Covid we were able to deliver an exciting and colourful event in Goodland Gardens in 2021!
An exciting celebration of the Arts and LGBTQIA+ community in Taunton in various supporting venues around Town including The Brewhouse Theatre for our Literary Events, Mambo who hosted our Main Stage, ciccic who hosted our Acoustic Stage, Wellbeing Area hosted by The Sangha House as well as many artists and lgbtqia+ groups in Goodland Gardens.
Follow Your Heart Trail | July 2021
From 14th July 2021 the Follow Your Heart Trail is launched as part of Taunton Live & Pride.
GoCreate Summer Showcase | August 2020
GoCreate members are currently getting the Summer exhibition up at CICCIC. Please do come and see our work if you get a chance!
Summer 2021 Art Trails
To celebrate Taunton Live & Pride this summer, we thought that we would share the love with some fabulous outdoor trails. With support from the High Street Recovery Grant, GoCreate have created LOVE WINdowS Trail from 21st June and Follow Your HeART Trail from 12th July throughout the summer holidays
Taunton Winter Trail 2020
Christmas 2020, GoCreate Directors Liz Hutchin & Jenny Keogh have teamed up with Susie Thomas from Rocket & Bird / Taunton Independent Quarter to create two amazing festive trails to follow safely outdoors in your support bubbles. Two Trails, ‘Find the Lost Toys’ in the independent shop windows and follow the ‘Bauble Trail’ around Town and in some of our beautiful Open Spaces.
The programme’s will be available from Taunton Visitors Centre and Rocket & Bird.
It’s totally free to take part but if you want to enter our prize draw to win a fabulous hamper you will also be helping to raise much needed funds for our two chosen charities… what’s not to love?
In the meantime you can have a sneaky preview by clicking the Taunton Winter Trails poster.
Alternatively you can click here
Since forming in 2014, GoCreate has continued to build strong relationships with local community groups and charities with the focus on a creative journey and finding a voice through Arts and Culture to feel accepted within the wider community.
In Isolation Arts
GoCreate have been busy during Lockdown with various projects ‘In Isolation’.
When we entered ’Lockdown’ the most natural direction for us was to reach out to those vulnerable communities and offer support.
With support from Taunton Rotary Club and The Somerset Community Foundation, we sent out art packs to vulnerable adults and children inviting them to paint their stories of being ’In Isolation on a canvas square… these will all be sewn together to create large banners of collective responses and displayed in a public space for all to see.
Black Lives Matter

In June 2020, GoCreate put out a ‘Call Out’ to local artists in response to the events unfolding during and after the tragic death of George Floyd in America.
“Now is the time to unite and use our voices to fight systematic racism and injustice. GoCreate invites artists to share their support of #BlackLivesMatter through the power of art’.
… And respond they did!
NGS Art Trail at Little Yarford Farmhouse 20th May – 23rd May 2016
As part of the National Garden Scheme GoCreate Taunton organised and curated an art trail and childrens art activities at Little Yarford Farmhouse in Kingston St Mary. Exhibiting Artists include Ian Houlton, Debbi Sutton, Melanie Deegan, Fon Cosens , Liz Sparkes, Sue Heys and Richard Balman. Read More
Taunton’s first mass yarn bombing, set in motion by GoCreate for Taunton Live Arts Festival, turned out to be far more sensational than anybody imagined. In October 2014, local knitters and crocheters were asked to participate in producing pieces to dress Taunton for the festival. Existing knitting groups were invited to join in and new groups set up, and there was mention of a cup for the best display. Soon, ambitions climbed beyond simple knitted squares and on July 17th 2015, when the results of months of hard work were installed for the 8-day festival, the results were stunning. Read more
Taunton Live – 18 and 25 July 2015
GoCreate Taunton CIC worked alongside Taunton Festival of the Arts, to create a week of activities which celebrated all genres of the arts. These included events, gigs, exhibitions, music, demonstrations, workshops, schools arts competition, schools poetry competition, talks, performances awareness raisers and much more. To achieve this remarkable week, GoCreate worked closely with other organisations working in the arts in Taunton and with local businesses who acted as host to our artists over the week. Read more
Constellation Project 25 September 2015
The Constellation project was been commissioned by Stand Against Violence and designed by GoCreate Taunton to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of Lloyd Fouracre who, like a comet, has become a symbol for change in our society. It was designed to serve to raise awareness of the work of Stand Against Violence and to provide the basis for future work in schools concerning the consequences of violence. Read more
Schools Open Arts Competition July 2015
The 2015 Schools Open Arts Competition showcased 2D, 3D, Photography and poetry work by students aged 14 – 19 years who live in or attend school in Taunton Deane. The competition featured cash awards, certificates of merit, a prize giving ceremony and a month long public exhibition of entries selected by a panel of judges. Consideration is now being given to next years competition and schools who might be interested in participating urged to contact GoCreate Taunton.
Primary School Work
Work produced by local schoolchildren in response to GoCreate’s initiatives was on display around Taunton during Taunton Live2015. This included a village of tepees decorated with West Country whipping by Primary School children. Funding is currently being sought for further initiatives which are designed to inspire creativity in younger childen! – for more information contact our schools co-ordinator Liz Hutchin. Read more