GoCreate continues to work closely with local schools helping to facilitate a range of projects and competitions in a different areas. Below are a few examples of current projects – for more information contact our schools co-ordinator Liz Hutchin.
The Constellation project has been commissioned by Stand Against Violence and designed by GoCreate Taunton to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of Lloyd Fouracre. GoCreate has facilitated the painting of 3000 stars by local children and artists and will display these in Goodlands Gardens on the 25th September 2015. Click here for more information on Constellation project.
Schools Open Arts Competition
The 2015 Schools Open Arts Competition showcased 2D, 3D, Photography and poetry work by students aged 14 – 18 who live in or attend school in Taunton Deane. The competition featured cash awards, certificates of merit, a prize giving ceremony and a month long public exhibition of entries selected by a panel of judges. Consideration is now being given to next years competition and schools who might be interested in participating urged to contact GoCreate Taunton.
Primary School Work
Work produced by local schoolchildren in response to GoCreate’s initiatives was on display around Taunton during Taunton Live2015. This included a village of tepees decorated with West Country whipping by Primary School children. Funding is currently being sought for further initiatives which are designed to inspire creativity in younger childen – watch this space!